
Get some tips this Dry July!

Nutritious Breakfast Options

By Rosie Mansfield on

As Dry July kicks off, now is the perfect opportunity to replenish your body and reap the benefits of being hang-over free. These healthy breakie options are a tasty and nutritious alternative to the traditional fry-up and will keep you energised for an active weekend.

Poached Eggs & Avocado – Poaching is the healthiest way to cook eggs, which contain high quality protein to help keep you fuller for longer. Avocados are loaded with heart-healthy fatty acids, and can even help lower cholesterol levels.

Oats & Banana – Bananas are a time-saving breakie option which will give you a boost of energy due to the high levels of potassium levels. Use it as a topping for wholegrain oats packed full of b-vitamins and you’ll instantly feel invigorated.

Vegemite & Cheddar Cheese on Rye Toast – Aussies who love to wake up with Vegemite are right on the mark, as this staple spread contains a variety of nutrients which are great for improving the digestive system and keeping eyes and skin healthy. Slap some slices of cheese onto some digestive rye toast to add some extra protein, to avoid a blood sugar spike.

Classic Virgin Mary – Going without alcohol isn’t easy, so find some booze-free alternatives which are packed full of nutrients. Suckle down a fresh tomato juice to get your blood sugar levels up and enjoy the anti-inflammatory properties of antioxidants like Lycopene.

Fresh Coconut Water – There’s a reason why coconut water is huge at the moment! It’s a natural isotonic drink with several health benefits.

It has fewer calories, less sodium, and more potassium than sodas and sport beverages – definitely the best choice to start your day.

Fresh Ginger Tea – It’s winter, it’s cold outside! Pop the kettle on, chop a couple of fresh ginger nuggets and pour in boiling water. Sip slowly and flush away all the toxins.

For more healthy recipes to enjoy throughout Dry July, visit Wellbeing To sign up, head to www.dryjuly.com

See more from Rosie Mansfield at www.mynutritionadventure.com

Superfoods on Supermarket Shelves

By Jacqueline Alwill on

It’s easy to feel confused by the labeling on foods these days. And especially with products in organic grocery stores. They bring up more questions than they answer. Are they really worth the money? Are they actually a wonder ingredient? Will this overhyped product solve all my problems, make me super healthy and save me from Friday night’s alcohol binge? With this in mind, let’s step away from the bright lights and clever packaging, and look at some of the basic foods found in regular supermarkets, and how they can supercharge our health. Here’s some you’ll find in my basket:


A member of the brassica family, cauliflower is rich in sulfur containing nutrients and glucosinates, to reduce inflammation and support liver detox...

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Managing Sugar Cravings This Dry July

By Peter Rule on

We all seek the taste of sweet foods naturally in our diet, however it can be easy to crave excess high sugar foods for many varied reasons.

We have 5 basic recognised tastes – sweet, sour, bitter, salty and umami (savoury) however we can become imbalanced in our food choices due to stress, low energy, eating on the run, looking for psychological reward or treat or nutritional deficiencies, just to name a few.

Refined sugar is addictive due to the release of dopamine from the brain. Dopamine is one of the principal neurotransmitters involved in creating substance dependence on things like alcohol. The excess dopamine that is produced gives rise to powerful feelings of pleasure; however these excess levels also take a long-term toll on...

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Foods For Cleansing This Dry July

By Peter Rule on

Cleansing is something that our body is doing all the time through the organs that manage detoxification and elimination. These vital organs are the liver, kidneys, lungs and skin which work very hard to eliminate harmful toxins and wastes from the body. Toxins can come from a variety of sources such as heavily processed foods, food additives and preservatives, chemicals like herbicides and pesticides, environmental pollutants and excess alcohol, processed sugar and caffeine.

Luckily, nature has a natural pharmacy of foods which can assist these vital organs to cleanse toxins from the body and these foods can be obtained at most fruit and vege outlets.

Here are seven of my favourite “foods for cleansing” and I have been recommending...

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