
Get some tips this Dry July!

I'm Sick of Being Sick!

By Ashleigh Brunner on

You’re at work and some one at the desk next to you is sneezing and coughing up a storm. You haven’t seen your best friend all weekend because she’s feeling under the weather and hibernating in her bed.

Is that sniffle coming on? Are you feeling exhausted for no apparent reason? Should you be taking Vitamin C? Need help?

Time to BOOST that immunity!

Immunity can be complicated and is very individual. However, I am going to help you out with a couple of simple tips!

Firstly, our human body contains ten times more microbial cells than human cells. A huge proportion of these bacteria are located in our gut (trillions of the little guys!). These bacteria are responsible for 70-80% of our immunity. Let me stress that percentage again… 70-80% – THAT’S A LOT. So the first thing I would be recommending is taking some probiotics daily, preferentially in food forms if you can. Probiotic yoghurts. Kimchi. Kefir. Miso/Tempeh.

Secondly there are certain vitamins and minerals that have been proven to enhance immunity:

Zinc: A trace element required for the immune function to work effectively. Be careful however, too much can do the opposite. Add some wheat germ to your cereal or make sure you are having lean lamb or beef a couple of times a week.

Vitamin A, D and C: Yes we can get vitamins A and C from our diets but vitamin D we get from the sun on our skin and then process it within the liver to be used by our cells. Surprisingly about 40% of the Australian population is Vitamin D deficient. Get some healthy rays 3-4x/week but watch you don’t get burnt.

Antioxidants: That’s right people. Remember to get your 2 and 5 serves of fruit and vegetables every day! Vegetables are probably the hardest. Why not some veggies sticks and hommous as a snack or a breaki wrap with egg, sautéed tomato, zucchini and onion? There are many other foods that contain antioxidants too – be creative!

Lastly, Sleep is also a huge immuno-modulator.

A recent 2012 Review (Besedovsky et al) concluded:

“Prolonged sleep curtailment and the accompanying stress response invoke a persistent unspecific production of pro-inflammatory cytokines, best described as chronic low-grade inflammation, and also produce immunodeficiency, which both have detrimental effects on health.”

There you go everyone, your dietitian is giving you an excuse to sleep! 7-9 hours is recommended – do your best to get into a healthy regular routine, which involves no stimulants 4 hours before bed (e.g. caffeine). Short naps can be ok too. Research has found that about 20 minutes (the sneaky Spanish siesta) can be beneficial to boost alertness and immunity

Stay happy and healthy this winter!

 Ash xx

A Bloke's Guide to Surviving Dry July

By Dry July on

So the thought of drinking mocktails makes your stomach turn, heading to yoga class is the last thing you want to do on an early Sunday morning and Euro 2016 finished this morning. How do you make the most of the clear headed, hangover free mornings during Dry July? Well we rounded up the blokes in the Dry July office – who are seasoned Dry Heroes, to give us their tips on surviving and thriving during Dry July:

  • Socialising doesn’t just have to be in the pub. Why not go out for a winter surf, hit the trails on your mountain bike this weekend, bring your A-game to the table and host a sober poker night.
  • Host a BBQ - believe it or not there are some really good non-alcoholic beers around, We're fans or Erdinger
  • Be the designated dryver to...
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21 Days to Change Your Ways: Just Keep Swimming

By Kirsty Welsh on

Anything great takes time. We look at the best parts of others and compare them to the worst parts of ourselves. Quick fixes, gadgets, ab crunchers, weight-loss shakes, we are suckers for the overnight ‘answers’ to our health issues! No one is healthy and happy without some long-term effort. But the cool thing is, small and realistic changes over time can create massive shifts in our wellbeing! So no matter where you’re at in your health journey, just know that so long as you’re making consistent and positive changes, you’re doing a fab job!

I personally find 21 to be a magic number. It is well known that it takes ’21 days to make or break a habit’ although there doesn’t seem to be any clinical research behind it, but I also find that...

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How to Relieve Stress without Booze

By Staff Writer on

Everybody has different methods of dealing with stress. Doing Dry July may be particularly difficult for those who use a drink or two to unwind at the end of the day. Here are some alternative techniques for stress management that don’t include alcohol: 

Be Mindful

The buzzword in the mental health world lately is “Mindfulness”. Different mindfulness techniques include focusing on your breathing or other senses in order to clear your mind, doing an Adult Colouring Book (you can find these pretty much anywhere), and of course, meditation. These techniques can be done in no more than 15 minutes, so do them in the office if you have to. The idea is to get all the stressful things off your mind and replace them with calming thoughts,...

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