
Get some tips this Dry July!

10 Reasons Meditation Will Change Your Life

By Claire Obeid on

“Meditation is not a way of making your mind quiet. It is a way of entering into the quiet that is already there, buried under the 50,000 thoughts the average person thinks every day” - Deepak Chopra

Every morning, at around 3 am, I rouse a little from my deep sleep. And usually, there is one conscious thought; “I can’t wait to get up and meditate”.

Seriously. That might sound ridiculous, a little geeky even… especially considering that meditation is simply about sitting, not thinking and not doing anything at all! Some might say boring. I say ‘heaven!’

It’s taken me 4 years of daily meditation to reach the point where I know, not in theory, but from practice, that meditation can (and will) change my life. That’s something I know to be true for every single of us. I see the shift and transformation so often it’s no longer a surprise. It’s just fact.

Meditation WILL change your life.

Now, let’s get this straight. To me, meditation is not about reaching enlightenment. It, most certainly, is not just about experiencing ‘bliss’… although that is an added bonus (and when it happens, wow, it feels good!) No, meditation is about moving into the state of stillness. Opening up to inspiration, clarity and insight – all of which lives within us and is our natural way of being. Tapping into your own well of creativity, wisdom and intuition. The practice also allows us to ‘connect’ to our true selves within those few moments of stillness.

The primary intention is to feel good in every way possible. Any by ‘good’ I mean experience life as the best version of yourself in Mind, Body and Soul

There truly is no practice more potent and life-changing than the (free!) practice of meditation.

But if you are still not sold, let me share you 10 reasons why meditation will change your life.

1. Meditation is a healer.

Proven to reduce anxiety attacks, decreases physical/muscular tension, enhance the immune system, aid weight loss, cures headaches, balances the endocrine (hormonal) system, decrease in mental health issues… the list goes on!

2. Meditation will boost your self-confidence.

Live as your authentic self and make decisions based on what is best for you.

3. Meditation increases your creativity.

In need of divine inspiration and new ideas? Meditating daily will open up a well-spring of creative goodness!

4. Meditation enhances your focus + concentration.

Get more stuff done in less time. Who doesn’t want that?

5. Meditation stabilizes your emotions.

No need to fly off the handle for a battle not worth fighting for. Meditation allows you to have a more even, balanced and constructive viewpoint and reaction to experiences and the world around you.

6. Meditation helps you to quit bad habits.

Smoking, drinking, drug addiction – all of which deplete us physically and emotionally. Meditation helps your ditch addictive behaviours once and for good.

7. Meditation helps you fall in love with yourself.

Increase self-compassion, self-forgive and self-love. You’ll accept yourself more, allowing you to move through life with a lot more ease and joy.

8. Meditation helps you fall in love with others.

A deeper connection to others. A sense of gratitude. A desire to help others. Meditation increases your capacity to love and appreciate others.

9. Meditation increases your serotonin levels.

Feel-good more often because your brain is receiving the right chemicals and hormones!

10. Meditation relaxes your nervous system.

Less stress, more often. Less overwhelm, anxiety, distraction and confusion. Meditation will leave you more calm, centered and grounded.

I believe in this so much I wish it was a prescribed part of the national school curriculum. Imagine – every young child growing up able to harness the power of stillness. And all for free.

But it’s never too late. Start meditating now. Explore options. Download guided apps. Attend your local (and usually free) Meditation school. Want a life that aligns with your dreams and desires? Well, it’s all in the stillness.


P.s You can buy my guided meditation album (digital version only) HERE 

A Bloke's Guide to Surviving Dry July

By Dry July on

So the thought of drinking mocktails makes your stomach turn, heading to yoga class is the last thing you want to do on an early Sunday morning and Euro 2016 finished this morning. How do you make the most of the clear headed, hangover free mornings during Dry July? Well we rounded up the blokes in the Dry July office – who are seasoned Dry Heroes, to give us their tips on surviving and thriving during Dry July:

  • Socialising doesn’t just have to be in the pub. Why not go out for a winter surf, hit the trails on your mountain bike this weekend, bring your A-game to the table and host a sober poker night.
  • Host a BBQ - believe it or not there are some really good non-alcoholic beers around, We're fans or Erdinger
  • Be the designated dryver to...
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21 Days to Change Your Ways: Just Keep Swimming

By Kirsty Welsh on

Anything great takes time. We look at the best parts of others and compare them to the worst parts of ourselves. Quick fixes, gadgets, ab crunchers, weight-loss shakes, we are suckers for the overnight ‘answers’ to our health issues! No one is healthy and happy without some long-term effort. But the cool thing is, small and realistic changes over time can create massive shifts in our wellbeing! So no matter where you’re at in your health journey, just know that so long as you’re making consistent and positive changes, you’re doing a fab job!

I personally find 21 to be a magic number. It is well known that it takes ’21 days to make or break a habit’ although there doesn’t seem to be any clinical research behind it, but I also find that...

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How to Relieve Stress without Booze

By Staff Writer on

Everybody has different methods of dealing with stress. Doing Dry July may be particularly difficult for those who use a drink or two to unwind at the end of the day. Here are some alternative techniques for stress management that don’t include alcohol: 

Be Mindful

The buzzword in the mental health world lately is “Mindfulness”. Different mindfulness techniques include focusing on your breathing or other senses in order to clear your mind, doing an Adult Colouring Book (you can find these pretty much anywhere), and of course, meditation. These techniques can be done in no more than 15 minutes, so do them in the office if you have to. The idea is to get all the stressful things off your mind and replace them with calming thoughts,...

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