Dry July fundraising helps Mummy's Wish support Mums with cancer

Thanks to the incredible fundraising efforts of Dry July 2020 participants, Mummy's Wish are planning to introduce Cancer Care Co-Ordinators and Care Packs to help Mums living with cancer. 

- Cancer Care Co-Ordinators

Around 130,000 new cases of cancer will be diagnosed in Australia this year and of these cases over 5000 will be mums with young children aged 12 years and under. That means every day 13 families in Australia will have their lives turned upside down when mum is diagnosed with cancer. A cancer diagnosis can have a significant impact on many lives and communities.

- Care Packs for 1000 Mums with cancer

Packs provide comfort and support to Mums and their families and are posted to all the mums Mummy's Wish supports and include the following:

• A voice-recordable Comfort Bear for each child 12 years and under

• Therapeutic books for each child

• "Dealing with cancer - a guide for mums" resource and information booklet

• A travel compendium and notepad (to document and store medical resources and information)

• A Mummy's Wish tote bag

The books resourced have been researched by the Support Coordinators as age-specific and appropriate to children who have a mum with cancer. There are several titles that Mummy's Wish access which include: "When someone has a very serious illness", " Hey Warrior", "The Invisible String", "Beginnings and Endings and Lifetimes in between" and "You, me and the Rainbow".