Wellness Centre at Liverpool Hospital benefits from Dry July 2019 funding

Funding from Dry July Foundation in 2019 continues to support the Wellness Centre at Liverpool Hospital. 

The Wellness Centre Program aims to provide a supportive environment to empower cancer patients and their carers to maximise their wellness potential based on their individual capacity and their needs. They are designed to assist patients in achieving their best treatment outcome and to assist in their return to community based programs and primary care. These programs provide support, education and therapies to assist mind, body & soul.

The Wellness Centre aims to provide an informal and comfortable area for Cancer patients and their carers to access within Liverpool Hospital. Numerous support services can be accessed within the Wellness Centre. The Wellness Centre also serves as a drop in facility where patients can come and have a cup of tea, read one of our many books in the library, watch television or a DVD, or just sit back and relax in a calm and tranquil setting.

Wellness Programs offered at the centre include Tai Chi, Qigong, meditation, acupuncture, cooking, gardening, zumba, and exercise physiology. 

Liverpool Cancer Therapy Centre




