“CoastCanCare provides vital programs which help people connect and provide each other with encouragement."

Central Coast Local Health District’s CoastCanCare wellness program is a local beneficiary of the national Dry July campaign, with donations helping to fund free wellbeing and recovery activities for cancer patients, their families and carers.

Wendy of Killarney Vale is one of many who has experienced CoastCanCare and felt better for it, after a lung cancer diagnosis in 2016.

“In the first year it kept me going. You look forward to talking to other people and learning from them and what they might be doing to help with their cancers and different ways of approaching things,” she said.

Wendy has taken part in a range of CoastCanCare’s programs including art therapy, tai chi, meditation, physiotherapy, Aboriginal basket weaving and drumming and in doing so built a network of friends who are there for one another through their individual cancer journeys.

“We give each other encouragement and give new members encouragement too. Being around people who have had similar experiences to you can have a big influence”.

Six years on from her initial diagnosis Wendy believes the wellness program is a big part of why she is still here today.

“CoastCanCare provides vital programs which help people connect and provide each other with encouragement. It makes you want to keep living and beat the odds,” said Wendy.

By signing up to Dry July and giving up alcohol next month, not only will you experience a range of benefits like sleeping better and thinking clearer, you can help people like Wendy find the support and strength they need to fight cancer.

For media enquiries contact Sarah Forster on 0414 193 308 or [email protected]

Central Coast LHD - CoastCanCare

