
Get some tips this Dry July!

Healthy Eating on the Go

By Zoe Bingley on

Healthy eating can be tricky to maintain. While we may eat balanced meals at home, upholding the standard can be hard when we are out on weekends or during a busy work week.

It is easy to be tempted by the cheap and nutritionally empty food when we are busy and on-the-run. “Fast food” is quick, effortless and hard to resist, especially when in the company of someone who is not health-conscious.

However, the problem with fast food chains is that they promote overeating. This prevents you from digesting your food properly and is generally an unhealthy way of living.

While it is unrealistic to stick to a strict diet all of the time, it’s important to take note of exactly what we are putting into our bodies, and choose the best options where possible. We need to avoid putting foods into our bodies that serve us no nutritional value, because even if they may be satisfying at the time, you can expect to feel slow and sluggish later on.

Make the right decision.
If your only option is to hit the food court, look for healthier alternatives which will benefit your waistline.
- Salad bars: Healthy salad bars are in abundance these days, providing a versatile fast food option. Pick one with lean protein, plus a variety of veggies and remember to choose a light dressing.
-Japanese: Seaweed-wrapped brown rice rolls offer the perfect takeaway food option – just be sure to avoid the extra soy sauce!
-Filled rolls: A multigrain or wholemeal bread roll filled with a lean meat such as chicken, tuna, lean roast beef or lean roast lamb is an ideal option for busy workers. Be sure to select one with lots of salad and avoid those that are full of sauces and spreads.

Maintaining your healthy lifestyle can be easy if you are prepared. Always keep a water bottle along with some healthy snacks with you so when the hunger pang hits, you can keep the cravings at bay. A piece of fruit, a handful of nuts or IsoWhey Protein Pops will satisfy your stomach while also providing your body with nutritional value and an instant pick-me-up.

If you absolutely must…
If you find yourself at the counter of a fast food chain with a menu that consists predominately of a deep fried dinner, don’t completely fall of the wagon. Most chains now offer a “healthier” menu. Though they are often still loaded with sugar, they are a better alternative to super-sized meal deals. Opt for a chicken breast and coleslaw, and say no to the side of chips or soda.

A Bloke's Guide to Surviving Dry July

By Dry July on

So the thought of drinking mocktails makes your stomach turn, heading to yoga class is the last thing you want to do on an early Sunday morning and Euro 2016 finished this morning. How do you make the most of the clear headed, hangover free mornings during Dry July? Well we rounded up the blokes in the Dry July office – who are seasoned Dry Heroes, to give us their tips on surviving and thriving during Dry July:

  • Socialising doesn’t just have to be in the pub. Why not go out for a winter surf, hit the trails on your mountain bike this weekend, bring your A-game to the table and host a sober poker night.
  • Host a BBQ - believe it or not there are some really good non-alcoholic beers around, We're fans or Erdinger
  • Be the designated dryver to...
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21 Days to Change Your Ways: Just Keep Swimming

By Kirsty Welsh on

Anything great takes time. We look at the best parts of others and compare them to the worst parts of ourselves. Quick fixes, gadgets, ab crunchers, weight-loss shakes, we are suckers for the overnight ‘answers’ to our health issues! No one is healthy and happy without some long-term effort. But the cool thing is, small and realistic changes over time can create massive shifts in our wellbeing! So no matter where you’re at in your health journey, just know that so long as you’re making consistent and positive changes, you’re doing a fab job!

I personally find 21 to be a magic number. It is well known that it takes ’21 days to make or break a habit’ although there doesn’t seem to be any clinical research behind it, but I also find that...

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How to Relieve Stress without Booze

By Staff Writer on

Everybody has different methods of dealing with stress. Doing Dry July may be particularly difficult for those who use a drink or two to unwind at the end of the day. Here are some alternative techniques for stress management that don’t include alcohol: 

Be Mindful

The buzzword in the mental health world lately is “Mindfulness”. Different mindfulness techniques include focusing on your breathing or other senses in order to clear your mind, doing an Adult Colouring Book (you can find these pretty much anywhere), and of course, meditation. These techniques can be done in no more than 15 minutes, so do them in the office if you have to. The idea is to get all the stressful things off your mind and replace them with calming thoughts,...

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