Thanks to the Dry July Foundation’s support, BCA can put more people affected by bowel cancer in touch with a Bowel Care Nurse

“The Bowel Cancer Australia team have been an integral part of my journey and have had such a positive impact on my treatment pathway.” ~ Makala (diagnosed at 32).

Bowel Cancer Australia is committed to supporting individuals and their families through all stages of their journey. Working hard to ensure ongoing awareness and support following a bowel cancer diagnosis.

Despite being the third most diagnosed cancer, bowel cancer patients don’t receive the same level of support as other common cancers.

Described as a 'lifeline' by patients and their loved ones, Bowel Cancer Australia’s telenursing service is addressing this gap, enabling equity of access to personalised care and tailored support nationwide.

Since 2010, Bowel Cancer Australia’s Bowel Care Nurses and Nutritionists have been offering telenursing and telenutrition support for patients and loved ones through the charity’s Helpline and Peer-to-Peer Support Network.

Providing an extra layer of support to the trusted relationship patients have with their treating medical team at a very difficult time and helping to fill an important gap in the health system for bowel cancer patients.

"They're there to listen to you, support you and find you the help that you need. It's reassuring to know you're not alone." ~ Angel (diagnosed at 36).

From 2021, the service will be underpinned by Bowel Cancer Australia’s patient-reported outcomes (PROMs) online tool – My Bowel Cancer, My Voice, to help patients become active participants in decision-making about their bowel cancer treatment and care as well as help their healthcare team detect problems early, address side effects quickly and develop a care plan that supports your specific needs, so you can enjoy the best health possible.

Thanks to a grant from the Dry July Foundation, Bowel Cancer Australia has been able to expand our Bowel Care Nurse Program through the addition of another part-time Bowel Care Nurse to join our nationwide telenursing service to assist in the rollout and implementation of our patient-reported outcomes online tool.

They have been the silver lining to the cloud that is cancer, always happy to help in whatever way they can - sometimes even in ways I yet haven't realised I needed!” ~ Danielle (diagnosed at 34).

A registered nurse with specialist knowledge and experience caring for patients with bowel cancer, and having recently returned from a period nursing in a regional hospital, Bowel Cancer Australia is pleased Tammy was able to re-join our Bowel Care Nursing team.

Tammy will serve as a constant, dedicated point of contact for the many bowel cancer patients who utilise the charity’s telenursing service, offering support during and after treatment. As well as assisting patients, family, friends, and concerned members of the community by answering questions about bowel symptoms, treatment options, or how to support a loved one affected by the disease.

Bowel cancer patients are often faced with unique challenges and their journey can vary greatly from other cancers. Leading many to believe they have ‘the wrong cancer’,” says Tammy.

The grant will have a direct impact, ensuing Bowel Cancer Australia can expand our capacity to provide practical and emotional support for the growing number of Australians affected by bowel cancer.

“Thanks to the Dry July Foundation’s support we can put more bowel cancer patients and loved one in touch with a Bowel Care Nurse, where they can receive specialist support from me or one of the team”.

“No one need go through bowel cancer alone,” Tammy adds.

Bowel Cancer Australia

