
Bron Leslie

Member of Alfred Rad Onc






Dry Day





Raising Money For

Status Updates

Status Update

Wow! well that has totally exceeded my expectations by a lot. Thank you everybody for your support. The contributions and lovely comments have been overwhelming. I am extremely chuffed to have a 3 year total of $10,073 towards this excellent foundation who make a huge positive impact on people going through some scary lifetime moments. Thank you all. :D

$35.00 from Karen Djurdjek

Awwww thanks Karen. I greatly appreciate you slippin' on in with a sneaky end of Dry July donation. how lovely of you. Miss you . X

$200.00 from Elizabeth Leslie

Go Bron! Amazing effort

Aww thanks Liz. I am very appreciate of the support you always give me. I am so chuffed to have raised over 10k over 3 years. Thank you xx

Status Update

$162 until I reach 10k over 3 years !

$156.20 from Percy Leslie

the depth of your pockets is greatly appreciated Percy!

$208.20 from Kate Leslie

Let’s get to $5K 🥳

Crikey Katy. thanks so much. I will see what Percy can do. I really appreciate your massive generosity XX

Status Update

$545.oo until 10k total over 3 years.

$60.00 from Catherine Z

Your support for this foundation and our patients is amazing

Aww Thanks for your generous donation and lovely comment. Both are greatly appreciated. :)

Status Update

On the home stretch now.
$605 off raising a total of 10k over 3 years.
There will be tears if/ when I get there. Even if that is next year!
I feel fabulous. I have lost some alcohol related cms and sleeping very well.

Thank you for all the support.

$25.00 from Robert Lumsden

aww thanks Rob. I greatly appreciate your support and you just being you.

Bron's Team View profile

$5,971.68 raised

Target: $4,000.00


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