
Camden and Campbelltown Hospitals

44 Supporters



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Avatar Name Raised
Frank Hicks
7th Year
Peter Norris
2nd Year
Emma Coates
2nd Year
Owen Watson
3rd Year
Avatar Name Raised

Fundraising For

Funds raised this Dry July will help fund Integrated Oncology Programs

About Us

The Macarthur Cancer Therapy Centre at Campbelltown Hospital opened in 2003 and have been recognised as a leading cancer centre for patient centred care and customer service based on the patient satisfaction surveys conducted by the Bureau of Health Information. It provides comprehensive cancer care for medical and radiation oncology patients, haematology and palliative care as well as broad allied health care services.

It runs a wellness and survivorship programme providing remedial massage, meditation, acupuncture and exercise therapy through accredited volunteers to improve wellbeing and quality of care for our patients.

It has been recognised for innovation, being recognised by the Cancer Institute NSW and NSW Health Award,for its Nurse Assessment Unit. It provides outreach services to the Southern Highlands on NSW and sees nearly 2200 new patients annually.

Latest Updates

Dry July 2023 funds are making a difference for Camden & Campbelltown Hospital

The funds raised from Dry July 2023 are helping Camden & Campbelltown Hospital to undertake projects that create an environment that is less clinical.

This includes the purchase of wall art and a garden refresh to improve the wellbeing and experience of cancer patients.

Dry July grant to benefit patients in the Macarthur region

We're proud to announce that Camden/Campbelltown Hospitals has received a grant from the Dry July Foundation.

The grant will go towards the following: 

• Patient Orientation Project to provide information about the Macarthur Cancer Therapy Centre including medical services provided, parking for patients, billings, pharmacy costs, clinical trials and accessing patient transport when undergoing treatment

Bed ladders for access to equipment in the cancer centre

Dry July funds have been utilised to provide bed ladders to provide ease of access for patients receiving treatment at the cancer centres. The equipment eases the effort required for patients.

Acupuncture at Macarthur CTC

Macarthur Cancer Therapy Centre in Campbelltown has decided to use funds from Dry July toward continuing to provide patients with acupuncture services. These services were offered over the past 12 months but funding for these programs was not ongoing. These programs promote physical and emotional wellbeing for patients who are currently undergoing treatment for cancer.

MCTC is also again using a small amount of funding to decoration the centre during the festive season this Christmas (2016).

Holiday Decorations

Campbelltown and Camden Hospitals in NSW will use some money from Dry July to purchase holiday decorations for the MCTC. The aim is to make the centre a little more cheerful for patients receiving treatment at Christmas time.