You should feel so proud knowing that your Dry July fundraising will be helping the McGrath Foundation support people like Sarah

When 44-year-old Sarah discovered a lump, she immediately had a gut instinct something wasn’t right. After multiple mammograms, ultrasounds, and biopsies on several different cysts, a lump was discovered that hadn’t been found in the original tests, which was invasive carcinoma.

Sarah quickly learned that no two people react to breast cancer treatments the same, so after suffering severe anaphylactic reactions in surgery, whilst navigating her diagnosis through COVID-19, her McGrath Breast Care nurse, also named Sarah, couldn’t have come into her life at a better time.

Sarah’s McGrath Breast Care Nurse provided much-needed support and comfort throughout her treatment; offering constant reassurance and peace of mind, whilst always being there to put a smile on her face.

“So often, you’re bombarded by medical terminology and all you want to know is how it will affect you practically, so you really need someone to talk you through that.”

“It was very reassuring that I knew Sarah had spoken to the chemo coordinator and that the nurses knew about my case without me having to explain it all over again. Without that, I would have been really anxious and more scared.”

You should feel so proud knowing that your Dry July fundraising will be helping the McGrath Foundation support people like Sarah, by ensuring McGrath Breast Care Nurses can continue supporting Australian families experiencing breast cancer. ❤️

Read Sarah’s full story here: