Who's willing to go booze-free for the month of July?

Thank you for helping to make a difference to the lives of people living with cancer.

We see it every day, the difficult journey not only our patients face but the impact of these challenges on their family and friends. With funds raised through Dry July we are able to provide spaces that are comforting and relaxing and generally reduce the stress often associated with hospital visits, like our Dry July garden. This has turned a previously unused space in a purpose designed garden alongside the radiotherapy waiting area.

Funds from Dry July participants in 2015 will help to renovate our reception and waiting area, transforming the space into a tranquil and peaceful area to visit. Plans are also underway to refurbish the patient kitchen on our cancer ward. Once finished patients and their visitors will be able to access a new ice machine as well as hot and cold filtered water tap, which will give them the ability to make a nice cup of tea or coffee.

The Alfred is again thrilled to be a beneficiary of another Dry July campaign. By doing something good for your health you can help us continue to make improvements that will help ease the burden of receiving treatment for cancer.

The Alfred, Melbourne



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