
McGrath Foundation

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Paul Sweet
2nd Year
Simon Errock
3rd Year
Margaret Purdam
3rd Year
Fiona Second
10th Year
Helen Tucker
3rd Year
Sue Graefe
4th Year
Melissa Reid
5th Year

Fundraising For

Funds raised this Dry July will help fund McGrath Breast Care Nurses

About Us

The McGrath Foundation’s mission is to ensure that no one goes through breast cancer without the care of a breast care nurse.

The McGrath Foundation raises money to fund McGrath Breast Care Nurses right across Australia and invest in their professional development to ensure people with breast cancer receive the highest standard of care.

McGrath Breast Care Nurses are registered nurses specially trained to manage the care of people with breast cancer from diagnosis and throughout treatment.

The Foundation currently funds 223 nurses who provide essential support for families by offering medical expertise, clinical care, and psychosocial support from the time of diagnosis and throughout treatment - for free and without a referral.

Breast cancer is the most diagnosed cancer for women in Australia and more than 20,000 people are diagnosed each year. With a rising rate of diagnosis, the need for more McGrath Breast Care Nurses continues to grow.

Funding from the community helps ensure our nurses can continue providing free support to families impacted by breast cancer right across Australia.

Latest Updates

Kathleen's Story

Since watching her sister go through breast cancer eight years ago, Kathleen has been scrupulous about having her breasts checked every year, never missing a mammogram or ultrasound.

However, two years ago her right breast blew up in size and Kathleen went straight back to her GP, having had her mammogram only a few months before, where nothing had been detected. Sadly, upon that next visit, triple negative breast cancer in her right breast was diagnosed.

Unfortunately for Kathleen, cancer is a common thread in her family, with her sister, cousins and aunt all being diagnosed with breast cancer before her. At the time, they all tested negative during genetic testing, which left the family baffled. However, new testing has revealed that Kathleen has the PAL-B2, or BRCA-3 gene, and it is highly likely that it runs in her family. This means there is a 30% chance Kathleen could develop ovarian cancer and is planning to have her ovaries removed once her active breast cancer treatment concludes.

Despite all of this, Kathleen has remained extremely positive about her experience. She is now back at work, where she helps manage an aged care facility and is looking to reinvigorate her active and healthy lifestyle. Since undergoing her treatment, Kathleen has completely given up alcohol. Having never been a big drinker, breast cancer was the final push for Kathleen to cut out alcohol from her life - though she may have a glass of wine to celebrate her 50th birthday this year!

Kathleen has been supported throughout her experience by McGrath Breast Care Nurse Deirdre Duyvestyn, who she first met at a specialist appointment early in her treatment. Deirdre was always there to guide Kathleen through her breast cancer experience whenever she was needed, from accompanying Kathleen to medical appointments to decoding complex terminology and providing emotional support.

McGrath Breast Care Nurse Deirdre Duyvestyn on Kathleen

Based in Cairns, Deirdre has been a McGrath Breast Care Nurse since 2018, operating out of BreastScreen Queensland. She met Kathleen at her first appointment with the surgeon and knew about the immense history of cancer in Kathleen’s family.

While it was a terrifying experience for Kathleen being the next member of her family diagnosed with breast cancer, Deirdre has been impressed by her outlook and pragmatic approach.

“Coming from a background with that huge history of cancer in the family, you could see that it was incredibly frightening for Kathleen and her husband. However, she was just lovely throughout the whole process, easy to talk to and open to receiving support."

“When she finally got that PAL-B2 result back, indicating a genetic predisposition towards cancer, you could see that it answered a lot of questions, but also opened up a whole new world of concerns. Nonetheless they have always been pragmatic about everything, asking what the next step was and how best to move forward. She has been brilliant."

Your Dry July fundraising means the McGrath Foundation can fund more McGrath Breast Care Nurses like Joylene

My name is Joylene, and I am privileged to be a McGrath Breast Care Nurse based out of Ballarat, Victoria.

I wanted to say thank you for taking on the Dry July challenge and supporting the McGrath Foundation this year. It’s because of your incredible support that the McGrath Foundation is able to fund more McGrath Breast Care Nurses like me, so that no one experiences breast cancer without care.

I see firsthand how important a McGrath Breast Care Nurse is in the lives of so many Australians.

Did you know that this Dry July I joined you in the challenge? I said no to alcohol for 31 days for my health and for my patients and I found that it was a great opportunity to reboot my health!

This year, it is estimated that 55 people will be diagnosed with breast cancer every day. A breast cancer diagnosis can be overwhelming and that's the case now more than ever. The McGrath Foundation currently fund 171 McGrath Breast Care Nurses like me. Together we provide invaluable physical, psychological and emotional support to families navigating the complexities of their breast cancer diagnosis and care.

On behalf of the McGrath Foundation, our patients and their families, we would like to thank you for your support and contribution to making a positive difference in the those experiencing breast cancer.

See Joylene's full video here.

You should feel so proud knowing that your Dry July fundraising will be helping the McGrath Foundation support people like Sarah

When 44-year-old Sarah discovered a lump, she immediately had a gut instinct something wasn’t right. After multiple mammograms, ultrasounds, and biopsies on several different cysts, a lump was discovered that hadn’t been found in the original tests, which was invasive carcinoma.

Sarah quickly learned that no two people react to breast cancer treatments the same, so after suffering severe anaphylactic reactions in surgery, whilst navigating her diagnosis through COVID-19, her McGrath Breast Care nurse, also named Sarah, couldn’t have come into her life at a better time.

Sarah’s McGrath Breast Care Nurse provided much-needed support and comfort throughout her treatment; offering constant reassurance and peace of mind, whilst always being there to put a smile on her face.

“So often, you’re bombarded by medical terminology and all you want to know is how it will affect you practically, so you really need someone to talk you through that.”

“It was very reassuring that I knew Sarah had spoken to the chemo coordinator and that the nurses knew about my case without me having to explain it all over again. Without that, I would have been really anxious and more scared.”

You should feel so proud knowing that your Dry July fundraising will be helping the McGrath Foundation support people like Sarah, by ensuring McGrath Breast Care Nurses can continue supporting Australian families experiencing breast cancer. ❤️

Read Sarah’s full story here: 

Raising funds for McGrath Foundation will help support people like Luise

There's never a good time to be diagnosed with metastatic cancer, which is incurable, but when that diagnosis comes in your 30's it's especially hard.

Luise Gordon, 38, hasn't had it easy but she believes that the diagnosis has helped heal her. While she has to undergo treatment for the rest of her life, she's determined to make the most of it. By the time a patient is diagnosed as metastatic, they can have seen up to 80 medical professionals, which is why having the constant support of her McGrath Breast Care Nurse, Sam, has helped create a sense of stability in Luise's life.

COVID-19 has thrown additional challenges in to the mix, with border closures preventing Luise from spending time with her family from Queensland for much of the past year, including Christmas.

The diagnosis

This part of my story isn't too happy. It was the end of a shitty, abusive relationship and after my bumps and bruises went away I realised I still had another lump under my arm. It's one reason that I missed it even though it was the size of a golf ball and was very tender.

It all started three years ago, and I just knew. My mum had breast cancer five years before me and my grandmother had it as well. We hold theCHEK2 gene, it's not so much a breast cancer gene as just a cancer gene. Mum and Nan both recovered, they went through regular treatment and are fine, so I expected that too.

Read Luise's full story here: 

Linda's Story

"When I got home from surgery, Fi would come to see me, check my drainage and make sure it was all good. She never left me alone, she made sure I was OK mentally, physically and had no infections. It makes you feel pretty safe, even though you're recovering at home rather than in a hospital."

When Linda was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2017, she found solace in the support from her McGrath Foundation Breast Care Nurse, Fiona. From assisting with travel arrangements from her hometown in Cooma to treatment in Canberra, to ensuring Linda was well supported physically and emotionally throughout her cancer journey, Fiona's support has proven to be invaluable.

"Even now, Fi is always, always around. She's not just a nurse to me, she's more like a friend. Everyone needs someone like that, to help get them through cancer."

Your fundraising from Dry July 2020 has allowed McGrath Foundation to employ 8 new Breast Care Nurses around Australia so that people affected by breast cancer can feel safe and supported from the moment of diagnosis. 💗

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