In 2018 Dry July Foundation funded 450 Look Good Feel Better workshops

Following the success of the 2018 Dry July campaign, Dry July Foundation funded 450 Look Good Feel Better workshops helping men and women going through cancer treatment feel more like their normal selves. Here's what some of the participants had to say:

“The Look Good Feel Better workshop felt like a huge reward at the end of my treatment. It encouraged me to move forward with renewed confidence. I also felt humbled to see other women, travelling a far harder and longer road, blossom and laugh in the nurturing environment of Look Good Feel Better.” Susan, past participant

“This experience was way above my expectations. It was fantastic to be amongst other ladies who were going through similar experiences to myself and to have the genuine focus from the volunteers on our specific needs with regards to skin care and make up.” Elizabeth, past participant

“Thank you all for such a supportive and heartening experience. I was really on the ropes with the hair loss and having a bad day feeling unwell, but I was nevertheless able to get some useful makeup tips. You offer a fantastic and very generous service, delivered in a kind and respectful way, not asking too much of the participants, but providing timely and vital information.” Evi, past participant VIC

“I had a fantastic morning at the workshop! At the start of the workshop some of the ladies looked a bit nervous but by the end, every one of us was laughing and had enormous smiles on our faces.The headwear demonstrator was so helpful. 10/10 day - I've already recommended it to three lovely ladies. Thank you.” Janette, past participant NSW

“Excellent workshop! Its great to be among other women going through similar experiences. I'm much happier about losing my hair which will be any day soon where I was anxious about it before. I realise looking after your appearances helps not just yourself but people around you. Thank you very much!” Judith, past participant QLD

Look Good Feel Better



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