Kylie's Story

My name is Kylie and I have Breast Cancer. I’ve recently learnt that cancer doesn’t discriminate

I’m a 38 year old, married mother of 3 amazing kids. Mia 11, Hunter 8.5 and Reed 11months.

Two weeks before Christmas 2017 I got the results I never dreamed of, I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. Triple Negative Invasive carcinoma.

As I sat opposite my GP all I could do was cry and wonder how this 5 month old baby on my lap, would cope without her mummy and how do I tell my older babies that I may die. Would my husband cope? It was the worst day of my life.

The next few weeks was so overwhelming as I had so many tests and appointments to get my treatment started.

They decided chemotherapy, followed by surgery and then radiation would be my treatment course to follow.

I am almost finished my chemotherapy and then I will have surgery in July followed by radiation.

It has been such an overwhelming, taxing few months for my family but we are STRONG and are getting through this one day at a time. I am so blessed to have such an awesome support crew around me that help with school runs, meals and support when we need.

The staff at Andrew Love are simply angels and have been nothing short of AMAZING. They make you feel important and cared for. It doesn’t matter how many people are being treated at one time, they know everyone’s names and stories and talk to us all about anything and everything to pass the time quickly.

They genuinely care. When I’ve been sick they have followed up with phone calls etc. They make it as easy as possible on all us so much so that I have been taking my youngest to every chemo since she was 6 months old and she is no trouble and they don’t mind her being there.

They happily feed her 'bikkies' and she lights up some other patients faces when we are there as she is always so happy. It also makes me feel better as a mum that, whilst going through this, I can still be a mum to the best of my ability and not need weekly babysitters.

The volunteers are also just as awesome and my oldest daughter even did a school project on helping the community. She collected magazines for Andrew Love and walked around with a volunteer, Lynette, handing them out. Not only was this a great experience for Mia but she got to see that chemotherapy isn’t as scary as it sounds and her mum was in good hands. Mia won a school award for her project.

I wish I could thank them a million times over but instead I often take them treats like cake and chocolates as a thank you.

By participating in Dry July you will be raising funds for people just like me who are battling cancer.

Simply go 31 days without alcohol. It raises much needed money to help support people affected by Cancer. You can do it!

Join me today and sign up for Dry July. No hangover for 31 days.

Barwon Health's Andrew Love Cancer Centre, Geelong



Donate to Barwon Health's Andrew Love Cancer Centre, Geelong